Why is Venice Called “La Serenissima”?

Venezia Serenissima

Venice, a city of incomparable beauty, is universally known as ‘La Serenissima’. But where does this fascinating appellation come from? Let us discover it together in this short journey that reveals the secret behind the name.

Historical Origins

‘La Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia’ was the official title of Venice in medieval and Renaissance times. The term ‘Serenissima’ means ‘the most serene’ or ‘the most tranquil’, reflecting the power, stability and greatness of the Republic of Venice in those times. Venice was not only a hub for trade and art, but also a maritime power that exercised its dominance over the seas.

A Stable Government

The name ‘Serenissima’ emphasises the wisdom and balance of the Venetian government. The Republic was ruled by the Doge, elected for life, who represented the authority of the state, but his power was balanced by various councils and magistracies. This structure of government ensured considerable political stability and effective management of domestic and foreign affairs, factors that contributed to the city’s serenity.

A Symbol of Splendor

‘La Serenissima’ also evokes the image of a splendid and magnificent Venice, with its glittering canals, sumptuous palaces and artistic masterpieces. This designation recalls the city’s golden age, when it was a hub of culture, innovation and art, attracting artists, merchants and travellers from all corners of the world.

A Lasting Legacy

Today, Venice continues to be a symbol of beauty and serenity. ‘La Serenissima’ is not only a historical reference to its glorious past, but also a tribute to the resilience and greatness of this unique city. Venice remains one of the most loved and visited destinations in the world, a living treasure that continues to enchant and inspire.

In conclusion, ‘La Serenissima’ is more than just a nickname: it is a title that encapsulates the very essence of Venice, a city that, despite the challenges, continues to shine with timeless serenity.

Discover Venice: An Unexpected Journey Through Its Hidden Islands

"Venezia Segreta: Scopri le Gemme Nascoste della Laguna"

Venice, a city of unparalleled beauty and mystery, offers much more than its famous tourist attractions. Away from conventional routes, there exists a secret world of magical islands that encapsulate stories, traditions, and landscapes unique to themselves. Join us on an exclusive journey to discover the hidden gems of the Venetian lagoon, for an experience that will change your perception of this historic metropolis.

1. Sant’Erasmo: Venice’s Green Treasure

Known as the “Secret Garden of Venice”, Sant’Erasmo offers a haven of peace away from the city bustle. This lush island is a paradise for nature lovers, with its fertile fields and gardens stretching as far as the eye can see. Immerse yourself in local life by savoring the fresh produce of the island and let yourself be enchanted by its serene landscapes.

2. San Francesco del Deserto: A Sanctuary of Peace

In the tranquil embrace of San Francesco del Deserto, time seems to slow down. This island is home to an ancient Franciscan monastery, surrounded by pristine nature that invites reflection and soul rest. Discover an oasis of tranquility where history and spirituality intertwine in an experience of inner peace.

3. Lido di Venezia: Relax and Natural Beauty

The Lido di Venezia is the perfect destination for those seeking a balance between culture and relaxation. This slender strip of land offers golden beaches washed by crystal clear waters, ideal for moments of pure relaxation under the sun. Explore its elegant atmosphere, enjoy a walk along the shore, or dive into the invigorating waters of the sea.

4. Isola degli Armeni: A Journey into History and Spirituality

The Island of the Armenians is a fascinating chapter in Venetian history, a keeper of ancient traditions and spirituality. Here, centuries-old monasteries and churches reveal a rich past of stories and sacred art. Let yourself be enveloped by the mystical atmosphere of the island and discover a cultural heritage that continues to live through the centuries.

5. Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore: Breathtaking Views

The Venetian experience would not be complete without a visit to the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore. Climbing its bell tower, you will be treated to a panoramic view of the entire city and its lagoon, offering you an unforgettable spectacle. Between art, history, and postcard-worthy views, this island enchants every visitor with its timeless beauty.

Explore the Unexplored with Us

Join us on this exclusive journey through the hidden wonders of Venice. Each island tells a unique story, offering an experience rich in emotions, culture, and discoveries. Prepare for an unforgettable adventure in the secret heart of Venice, where magic is revealed at every step. Welcome to a world of unparalleled discoveries!

An Itinerary Through Iconic Film Locations

locandine film

Explore the Cinematic Charm of Venice: An Itinerary Through Iconic Film Locations

Venice, with its enchanting canals and breathtaking architecture, has served as the perfect backdrop for numerous films over the years. If you’re a cinephile eager to explore the locations of some of the most famous movies shot in the lagoon city, you’re in the right place! Let’s start from the picturesque Cannaregio district, with our Alle Guglie Boutique Hotel as starting point, and embark on a journey through the cinematic atmospheres of Venice.

1. “Don’t Look Now” (1973)
Directed by Nicolas Roeg, this psychological thriller is primarily set in Venice. Its evocative locations include the Church of San Nicolò dei Mendicoli in the Dorsoduro district and the Cemetery of San Michele on the island of the same name.

2. “The Tourist” (2010)
This romantic thriller starring Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie offers spectacular shots of the city, including breathtaking scenes shot along the Grand Canal, near the Rialto Bridge, and in the vicinity of the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute in the Dorsoduro district.

3. “Casino Royale” (2006)
In the James Bond film, you’ll recognize the iconic Palazzo Pisani Moretta on the Grand Canal, which serves as the backdrop for a spectacular action scene. This palace is located in the San Polo district, a short distance from Hotel Alle Guglie.

4. “The Talented Mr. Ripley” (1999)
Featuring Matt Damon, Jude Law, and Gwyneth Paltrow, this film showcases various Venetian locations, including the beach of Lido di Venezia, Piazza San Marco, and the Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo in the San Marco district.

5. “Summertime” (1955)
A classic romantic film starring Katharine Hepburn, its locations include the historic Piazza San Marco, the Bridge of Sighs, and the Palazzo Pisani-Moretta, all easily reachable from Hotel Alle Guglie.

6. “Assassinio a Venezia” (2023)
The latest addition to the cinematic repertoire of Venice, “Assassinio a Venezia,” featured scenes shot at iconic locations across the city. From the Bacino di San Marco, the city’s port, to landmarks like the Bridge of Sighs, Piazza San Marco, Palazzo Ducale, and the famous Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo, renowned for its external spiral staircase. Other notable locations include Palazzo Grimani and Palazzo Campo San Samuele. Additionally, aerial sequences, particularly those closing the film, showcase the distinctive dark iron-colored Ponte Consafelzi.

Recommended Itinerary:

  • Start your day with a stroll along the Grand Canal, admiring the magnificent Venetian mansions.
  • Continue towards the Rialto Bridge, where you can relive the thrills of “The Tourist.”
  • After a lunch break in the vicinity, head to Piazza San Marco and visit the Doge’s Palace.
  • Continue your exploration through the narrow streets and squares of Venice, stopping at San Nicolò dei Mendicoli and the Cemetery of San Michele if you wish to explore the locations of “Don’t Look Now.”

With this itinerary, you’ll experience Venice through the lens of cinema, discovering the magical locations that have inspired some of the most iconic films in cinema history.


Up and Down the Bridges of 2024: An Unforgettable Experience in Magical Venice

Venice, the city of waters, bridges and magic that has captured the hearts of travellers from all over the world for centuries. Every year, during the Bridges, this unique city is transformed into a stage for unique events and traditions, but there is one event that stands out above all others: the ‘Su e Zo per i Ponti’ (Up and Down the Bridges). An unparalleled experience, which makes a stay in Venice during this period an unrepeatable opportunity. 

This year Leo, the event’s mascot, dresses up as Marco Polo and reads Il Milione, to honor the 700th anniversary of his death. Marco Polo’s work influenced later explorers and formed a cultural bridge between two worlds, marking the beginning of a broader dialogue between East and West. Marco Polo’s legacy persists to this day, celebrated as a key figure in the history of exploration and intercultural relations. It will take place on April, the 14th 2024!

The Fascinating Story of ‘Up and Down the Bridges

‘Su e Zo per i Ponti’ is an event that dates back to the early 21st century and has quickly established itself as one of the most popular celebrations for Venetians and visitors alike. Its birth was inspired by the desire to enhance the city’s culture and tradition, actively involving the local community and creating a shared festive atmosphere.

The word ‘Su e Zo’ reflects the up-and-down movement of bridges that characterizes the architecture of Venice, and the event focuses on just that: connecting people across bridges, celebrating the history and beauty of this unique city. Over the years, ‘Su e Zo per i Ponti’ has grown in popularity, becoming an official event on the Venetian calendar and attracting visitors from all corners of the globe.


A Journey into the Hearts of Venetians: ‘Up and Down the Bridges

During the Bridges of 2024, ‘Su e Zo‘ is preparing to offer an unparalleled experience. The programme includes a series of events and activities winding through the canals and bridges of Venice, involving not only tourists, but also the local community. It will be possible to participate in guided walks, performances by street artists, tastings of local specialities and much more.

The peculiarity of ‘Su e Zo per i Ponti‘ lies in its inclusive approach. Venetians and visitors become part of a large cultural mosaic celebrating the richness of Venetian history and tradition. Through engaging activities, the public can appreciate the unique fabric of this city and feel part of something authentic and special.

Venice Welcomes with an Open Heart: Invitation to All Travellers

The invitation to participate in “Su e Zo per i Ponti” is extended to all travellers who wish to experience Venice in an authentic way. During this event, the city opens up with an open heart, offering a different perspective to the more crowded times of the year. Visitors will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the daily life of Venice, interact with the local community and create lasting memories.

Cannaregio: The Heart of ‘Su e Zo per i Ponti

For those seeking refuge during ‘Su e Zo per i Ponti‘, Cannaregio presents itself as the ideal choice. This authentic neighbourhood, far from the tourist crowds, offers a quiet base and an atmosphere that blends perfectly with the spirit of the event. With its picturesque streets, quiet canals and wide range of restaurants and cafés, Cannaregio is the perfect place to experience Venice in all its splendour.

Book Now for an Unforgettable Venice

Su e Zo per i Ponti” represents an unmissable opportunity to experience the magic of Venice in a unique and engaging way. By booking your stay during this period, you will have the chance to discover the city from an authentic perspective and participate in an event that celebrates its history and unique spirit.

Don’t miss the opportunity to experience Venice in a special way during the Bridges of 2024. Book now and get ready to be an integral part of “Su e Zo per i Ponti“, an event that will remain in your memories forever. Venice awaits you with an open heart and welcoming arms.



Venetian fritters… Yes, with a hole!

“Poor and gentleman’s morsel”, as the fritoleri used to call it.


Venetian frittelle, fritole venexiane, are one of the most eagerly awaited desserts during the Carnival period, by young and old alike.

Everyone loves them, thanks to their various fillings: chocolate, ricotta cheese, pistachio or empty, Venetian-style (pine nuts, sultanas and sugar-coated sultanas are also mixed into the dough…). They are fried and delicious!
They can still be found on the stalls of the fritoleri, the pancake sellers, around the city and in the most famous areas where masks and artists gather for Carnival.


How were the original frittelle in Venice?

They were born in the mid-14th century and the recipe is preserved in the Museo Nazionale Canatese in Rome. It later became the national dessert of the Serenissima Repubbica in 1700. There are several written records, preserved in the State Archives, near the Frari Church, on the field of the same name.
As found in the texts of the time, the recipe of the time included the addition of lard instead of oil, the use of goat’s milk and the addition of saffron (from the East) to the dough.

Nowadays, they can also be found around the city in pastry shops; whereas at one time they were prepared in the streets by fritoleri in small wooden huts (caselli) and sold hot. In the 17th century, they formed an association, made up of seventy of them, each with their own area where they could carry out their business exclusively and with the guarantee that only their children could succeed them: it was a family tradition.
This guild remained active until the fall of the Lagoon Republic, although the art of the ‘fritoleri’ only disappeared from the Venetian calli at the end of the 19th century.

Historians say that fritoleri used to knead frittelle, made with eggs, flour, sugar, sultanas and pine nuts, on large wooden tables. Then they would fry them in oil or lard, in huge pans supported by tripods. Once they were ready, they were sprinkled with sugar and placed on large decorated plates. At their side, on other plates, the ingredients were displayed in full view in order to emphasise the genuineness of the product. 


Local recipes spread throughout the Veneto region, with fritters made with fruit dipped in batter or with flowers or vegetables, in some cases even with wild meadow and mountain herbs, and even with rice and polenta.
The ‘fritola‘ came to have an impact on the Jewish cuisine, which prepared a variation for Purim.

Venetian fritters find an important testimony in a famous 18th century painting by Pietro Longhi, the ‘Venditrice di Frittole‘, visible at Ca’ Rezzonico, in which doughnut-shaped fritters are cooked and served strung on a spit to be eaten while strolling through the city’s calli. Here is an example of a Venetian street food dessert you absolutely must try!

Venice Carnival 2024: Ad Oriente

tema 2024 venice carnival

Today’s Venice Carnival has become a large and spectacular tourist event, attracting thousands of visitors from all over the world who flock to the city to participate in this festival considered unique for its history, atmosphere and masks.

Traditionally, the most important days of the Venetian Carnival are Shrove Thursday and Shrove Tuesday, although the largest crowds are certainly registered during the weekends of the event. Since the beginning of the event, it has been characterised by certain moments that are repeated annually: ‘La Festa delle Marie‘ and ‘il Volo dell’Angelo‘. The Carnival opening parade cannot be missed, with performances by artists to inaugurate the joy and liveliness of the most colourful and famous period in Venice.

Past Carnival themes

The individual annual editions of Carnival have often been characterised by and dedicated to an underlying theme, which inspired the festivities and accompanying cultural events. Some editions have also been characterised by combinations and twinning with other Italian and European cities, thus providing further involvement of the event on an international level.

From 2008 to 2010 it was Sensation, 6 senses for 6 sestrieri, which attracted many residents also, curious to find out what the sixth sense was in St. Mark’s Square, the heart of the celebrations at each edition.
Then it changes again and moves closer to history: Ottocento – Da senso a Sissi, la città delle donne, recalling the anniversary of the Unification of Italy and the figure of women who made history.
In 2012, for example, it rediscovered the pleasure of dressing up: Life is theatre, everyone in mask! It is a time to reinterpret oneself and to transgress the rules.
The following year it focuses on a special ingredient that never fails: colour! And it is called Vivi i colori: colours are emotions!
In 2014, the fairy tale takes centre stage with The Fantastic Nature, an urban nature, in which monstrous and mythological creatures are to be found; while 2015 reveals a sweet and gluttonous side, and it was all about the World’s Greediest Festival! Sweets on every corner: fritters, buranelli, pan del Doge, and many more.
In 2016 it changes again to Creatum, the Carnival of Trades, highlighting the part of the Serenissima’s history with Venetian crafts and culture. In 2017 it changes again to Creatum, vanity (af)fair, the desire to appear and vanity, what will beauty ever be?
And in 2018 Creatum, Civitas ludens brings the mind and participants back to the game, as invention and fun in disguise.
The theme this time is twisted into Blame the moon, taking up the Shakespearean motto ‘All the Moon’s fault, when it gets too close to Earth it drives everyone mad’.
Play, love and madness, the themes that are dear to the craziest and most creative time of the year for 2020 peep out again. ‘Life is a game of madness in which the heart is always right’.
During the pandemic then, in 2021, it was Traditional, Emotional, Digital, for the first time reinventing itself in order to surprise the audience again and be there to bring joy and liveliness, using technology.
In 2022 it became Remember the future, opening the mind to surreal and unexpected scenarios.
Take your time for the original signs, dedicated to the zodiac and the world of fantasy and magic, the origins of creativity are the themes of the 2023 edition… 

To the East: Marco Polo’s astonishing journey


This year’s Carnival takes place from 27 January to 13 February and the protagonist will be a famous traveller, who always provided excitement with his tale The Million.
Marco Polo was an important protagonist in the history of Venice. This year, in honour of the 700th anniversary of his death on 8 January 1324, Venice wanted to remember him for his very long voyage of discovery of the Orient and China. An educational journey across borders and cultures, unthinkable at the time, which changed the destiny of Marco, a young ambassador of Venice and the then known world.
Terra incognita, the magnificent aquatic spectacle with artists and performers will be held at the Arsenale to recall the vicissitudes and all the lessons he received as a traveller and official of the Great Khan, during his compulsory stay in the Empire.
There will also be a special Gala Dinner in honour of that historic moment, At the Court of the Great Khan.
There will be dancing and masquerade parties: the Doge’s Ball, Minuet Ball, Carnival Extravaganza, and many others.
And are you ready to experience it to the full and discover the wonders of this edition?

Weekend in Venice: What you must see

Piazza San Marco

If you are planning a weekend in Venice, you will certainly be looking for ways to make the most of your stay here. After all, two days in Venice is not a lot of time when you think of the many things to see and do in this timeless city, but don’t worry, we at the Alle Guglie Hotel have put together this mini-guide of the things you absolutely must see during your weekend in Venice, so it will be easier for you to get organised!

Weekend in Venice: start with the places of interest

On the first day

As we specified in our article dedicated to what to see in Venice in 2 days, we suggest you dedicate the first day to the most famous and well-known places in the city. We’re talking about St Mark’s Square, the Doge’s Palace, St Mark’s Bell Tower, the Clock Tower and the Rialto Bridge, all of which are iconic places in Venice and which you absolutely cannot miss during your stay here, especially if this is your first time in the most romantic city in the world. 

If you have a little time left in the afternoon, we recommend a visit to the Correr Museum in St Mark’s Square, one of the five museums we recommend seeing in Venice, because it tells the history of this wonderful city, which is sure to steal your heart.

In the evening, after a rich and delicious dinner at one of our favourite restaurants here in Venice in the Cannaregio district, where our hotel is located, you might consider treating yourself to an evening at the theatre, going to see a show at the Teatro la Fenice or the Teatro Goldoni (more modest and inexpensive, but always with an interesting programme). 

Day Two

The second day of your weekend in Venice can be used in different ways, depending a little on your tastes and the time you have available. Our advice is to make time for a gondola ride, preferably around sunset time when the sky colours the waters of the lagoon: a spectacle that is difficult to describe in words. 

The gondola tour lasts about an hour or so, so you have the rest of the day to discover new corners of the city, such as Punta della Dogana, a special place where ships used to dock for inspection before they could enter Venice and start unloading their goods. Here you will find one of the most beautiful and unusual churches in the whole of Venice: the Basilica della Madonna della Salute, built to thank the Madonna for driving the plague out of Venice. 

In the afternoon, you could get lost among the works of art on display at the Gallerie dell’Accademia, a place that tells the story of Venice and its artists through painting. 

Alternatively, you could think about taking a tour of the lagoon islands – Murano, Burano and Torcello – the stop of the vaporetto from which the line to Murano passes is just 1 minute’s walk from our hotel and is called, in fact, Guglie.

Weekend in Venice: why stay at the Hotel Alle Guglie

To make the most of your weekend in Venice, the location of the hotel you choose will be crucial. Our hotel is just a short distance from the train station and Piazzale Roma, a strategic point that will allow you to immediately deposit your luggage and set off to discover the city, without wasting a single minute. 

Moreover, the entrance to our elegant boutique hotel overlooks one of the city’s most famous calli, Rio Terà Leonardo, between Lista di Spagna and Strada Nuova. Finding us will be easy and will also save you a lot of time. 

If you are planning to spend a long weekend in Venice, of at least 3 nights, by booking directly on our website at least 30 days in advance, you can take advantage of the 15% discount we have reserved for you!

Last but not least, staying at the Alle Guglie Hotel means immersing yourself in a mysterious and fascinating place, with hidden corners and typical Venetian architecture, however, influenced by a refined oriental style. 

It will be a pleasure for us to have you as our guest, and to make your weekend in Venice truly unforgettable.



What to see in Venice in 2 days. our itinerary

Cosa vedere a Venezia in 2 giorni

What to see in Venice in 2 days? This is a question we often answer, either by email or in person, when a guest has already arrived in Venice and is looking for some advice on how to make the most of their time here. 

We usually try to give advice tailored to the guest we have in front of us, which mostly meets their needs and personal tastes. Those who stay with us like simple but well-constructed itineraries, and if they are only here for a couple of days, they are looking for the best way to see the city’s major attractions, without spinning like a top from one calle to another. 

So in this article, we would like to present our itinerary of things to see in Venice in 2 days, which includes most of the suggestions we usually give to our guests.

Day 1: 

The first day in Venice is a day of discovery, where we always recommend getting acquainted with a city that is completely different from any other in the world. There are no cars here, the best means of transport for visiting Venice are our feet and, if we are tired, there is, of course, the vaporetto. 

We dedicate this day to its main attractions, the most iconic and well-known sights. Starting from our hotel, which is located just past the Ponte delle Guglie, we suggest you continue to the Ca’ D’Oro Palace and take the ferry here to the Rialto Market. This is where our 2-day Venice itinerary begins. 

In the morning:

  • Rialto Market Tour
  • Rialto Bridge (here a photo of the spectacular view of the Grand Canal is a must)
  • Follow the signs for San Marco to the square of the same name, passing by the Goldoni Theatre
  • Visit the Doge’s Palace and St Mark’s Basilica (one of the things you can visit in Venice for free)
  • Climb St Mark’s bell tower for the best view of Venice from above

Stop for lunch at one of the many little restaurants in the surrounding area, if you need a suggestion, don’t hesitate to ask at reception before setting off to explore the city.

In the afternoon:

  • Stroll along the Riva degli Schiavoni
  • Visit the Venice Arsenal and the Naval Museum inside it
  • Small scare at the Giardini di Sant’Elena before returning to the hotel

To return to the hotel, we recommend taking the 4.2 vaporetto line at the Sant’Elena stop and then getting off at the Guglie stop. If, however, you are not in a hurry to get back and prefer to enjoy the journey on the Vaporetto crossing the entire length of the Grand Canal, from this same stop you can take line 1 and get off at the San Marcuola-Casinò stop.

For dinner, here are some of our favourite restaurants to eat at in Venice, close to our hotel.

Day 2:

You can dedicate the second day to something more special, such as discovering the Venetian ghetto, the oldest in all of Europe, or you could consider visiting the most famous islands in the lagoon. We are talking about Murano, Burano and Torcello, a destination definitely to be included among the things to visit in Venice in two days.

To reach the islands you can conveniently take the 4.2 vaporetto line at the Guglie stop, 1 minute from our hotel, which takes you to Murano. 

After visiting the island of Murano, including in your itinerary a visit to an ancient furnace where glass is still worked as in the past, you can take the vaporetto again, in this case, number 12 that from the FARO stop takes you to Torcello, where Attila’s throne and evidence of the first settlements of the Venetians on the islands of the lagoon can be found. Line 12 is the same one that continues to Burano, where you can admire its many colourful houses and the art (also ancient) of lace-making

Following this 2-day itinerary in Venice, you will certainly not return disappointed. Of course, once you’re here you can talk to us to design a tailor-made itinerary for you, based on your interests. Take advantage of our availability, it will be our pleasure to help you experience Venice in 2 days, in the best way possible.



Where to park in Venice: all solutions

Dove parcheggiare a Venezia: tutte le soluzioni

If you intend to arrive in Venice by car, there are several options where you can park and enjoy your stay in the city without any worries. 

As everyone knows, Venice is built on water and does not allow cars to access it except up to Piazzale Roma. In this area, buses also stop to reach nearby Mestre, Venice and Treviso Airport, the city of Padua, Cortina and other smaller towns.

And it is right here, in Piazzale Roma, that you will find a number of both private and public car parks where you can leave your car. Let’s see together all the solutions for parking in Venice. 

Garage San Marco: parking in Venice without worries

Very central covered parking, with 900 spaces for cars and motorbikes, with video surveillance. You can book your parking directly online, before arriving in Venice, directly through the official website. If you are traveling in an electric car, recharging stations are available in the car park and you can also request a tyre pressure check. 

If you stay at the Hotel Guglie, you will also be entitled to a 10% discount on your car park if you choose to park it here. 

Tronchetto Parking: a bit further away, but there is almost always space

Another car park in Venice is Tronchetto Parking, a few minutes away from Piazzale Roma. From here, to reach Venice more easily with your luggage, we suggest you take the People Mover, the elevated train that will take you directly to Piazzale Roma. Otherwise, you can also take the vaporetto line 2 directly and get off at the Stazione stop; from there it is only a few minutes walk to our hotel. 

Autorimessa Comunale AVP: Venice’s largest car park

With over 2000 spaces for cars and 300 spaces for motorbikes, the Autorimessa Comunale is certainly the largest covered car park in Venice. The car park is open 24 hours a day and is equipped with around 200 cameras. You can book a place for your car through the CityCard VeneziaUnica and also get a 10% discount

These are the three most practical and convenient solutions for parking in Venice, intending to stay a few days in the city and discover all its beauties. 

If you are already planning your trip here, here are some articles that might interest you: 

5 museums in Venice to put on your list

What to see in Venice: places not to be missed



Bacari in Venice: what they are and why go there!

Bacari a Venezia: cosa sono e perché andarci!

Coming to Venice and not making a trip to Bacari is almost like going to Rome and not tasting pasta carbonara: it is a must. 

But what are Venice’s bacari? They are the city’s typical small bars, modestly sized osterias, often consisting only of the counter and without tables, where you can sample a variety of appetisers, called ‘cicchetti’, accompanied by a good glass of wine or a spritz

Bacari are frequented by Venetians, especially as a break after work, to hang out with friends before going home, and by university students. Bacari are scattered all over Venice and over the years some very special ones have sprung up, which not only embrace tradition but also turn their gaze to the future through the creation of imaginative and very original cicchetti, even in vegan and gluten-free versions.

Read also: Where to eat in Venice

Bacaro: Origin and History

But let’s take a step back and discover the origin and history of these small osterias. Let’s start with the name, ‘bacaro’, a term that seems to derive from Bacchus, the god of wine, although we find more reliable the version that attributes the origin of the name to the Venetian verb ‘far bàcara’, which means to make merry, to celebrate.

Some say that the name ‘bacaro’ is due to a somewhat tipsy gondolier, who, tasting a wine that had arrived from Apulia, specifically a ‘malvasia’ that was very common at the end of the 19th century, exclaimed ‘Bon! Bon! Xe proprio un vin da bacàro’, referring to the verb ‘far bàcara’ – to celebrate. 

Venetian cicchetti, from the most traditional to the most modern

To make a list of the cicchetti you might find in the various bacari in Venice would be practically impossible, given their enormous variety and unstoppable evolution, but we can suggest the ones you absolutely must try because they are part of the tradition of our city. 

We usually advise our guests to go to Fondamenta della Misericordia, not too far from our hotel, where there are many different types of bacari: both older ones such as Paradiso Perduto or Timon and more modern ones such as Vino Vero

Here we recommend you try a crostino with baccalà mantecato, a small plate of sarde in saor, the half-egg with anchovy, then let yourself be inspired by the cicchetti displayed on the counters: there is something for everyone!

Before concluding, one last tip: close to our hotel, just a minute’s walk away is an exceptional bacaro, where we staff also often stop at the end of our shifts: Luca and Fred’s Venetian Cicchetteria

Here you find cicchetti that you won’t find anywhere else in Venice: the flying saucers. Try them and then stop by reception to tell us about your experience, we will be happy to hear what you think of the famous Venetian cicchetti!



Doge’s Palace in Venice: what to see

Palazzo Ducale Venice

The Doge’s Palace in Venice is a treasure trove of history, culture and charm, but to visit each of its rooms with the attention it deserves, a week would not be enough. 
If we think of how many doges it has hosted, how many scandals and how many death sentences have been pronounced from its two pink colours on the loggia, and again how many illustrious guests it has received or how many secret and commercial missions have been decided within these walls, it seems impossible to think of visiting it in just a couple of hours. But we are perfectly aware that often visitors have only 2 or 3 days to visit our wonderful city and one has to know how to optimise his time here. 
Our guests often ask us what to see in the Doge’s Palace – one of the 5 museums we recommend not to miss during your stay – and that’s why we thought we’d also share with you some tips for making the most of your visit to one of Venice’s most iconic places. 

The inner courtyard

Once you pass the ticket office, you will be greeted by a majestic inner courtyard. Two things will strike you for sure: the magnificent Scala dei Giganti, the ancient honour entrance with its two large statues representing Mars and Neptune, sculpted by Sansovino, and the Marco facade with a clock, which hides behind it the domes of St Mark’s Basilica, once the doge’s private chapel. 
In this courtyard, there are also two wells, dating back to the mid-16th century. At the time, this space was open to the public and citizens could freely use the water collected from these wells.

From here we access the Censors’ Staircase, from which the visit to the Doge’s Palace begins, leading us to the incredible Golden Staircase. 

The Golden Staircase

This staircase will leave you open-mouthed, with its stucco and gilding accompanying the visitor to the Doge’s Apartments and then to the government rooms.  

Construction of the staircase began in 1555 designed by Jacopo Sansovino, but the stucco work is dated later. The decorations all have a propagandistic and political significance, a sort of calling card for the illustrious visitors of the time.

The Hall of the Maggior Consiglio and the drape covering the traitor doge

Surely this is the most famous room of all, especially for Tintoretto’s Paradise, 25 metres wide and 7 metres high. A colossal work that takes your breath away. 
This room is astonishing for its width and for its lack of columns, which is entirely intentional. The main reason why the Doge’s Palace came into being was that a room suitable for the main sessions of the Venetian aristocracy was needed. It was here, in fact, that the highest offices in the Veneto were voted. 

Bridge of Sighs

To reach the Prigioni Nuove building, across the canal, one crosses the famous Bridge of Sighs, a two-lane fortified passageway.
The bridge was built in the early 1600s, but the name by which it is known throughout the world is due to Lord Byron – or so it is rumoured.

Palace of the New Prisons

Not to be missed in the Doge’s Palace is the Palazzo delle Prigioni Nuove, the first building in history to be constructed for housing prisons. 
Casanova, however, did not escape from here, but from the Piombi, the prisons under the roof of the Doge’s Palace.



What to see in Venice with children

What to see in Venice with children

Here at the Alle Guglie Hotel we often have families visiting Venice for a few days and it’s not rare for us to be asked what to see in Venice with children, especially when infants hence a museum wouldn’t be an appropriate location for them (although there’s museum and museum, we’ll see along with the article). 

This is why we thought to write this short guide with the advice we usually give to those who choose us for their stay.

The Peggy Guggenheim Collection organises workshops for children

Coming to Venice with children does not necessarily mean renouncing a visit to any museum. Of course, it depends a lot on the age of your children, but some solutions will help them approach to culture in a playful and carefree way, such as the workshops of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, dedicated to children from 4 to 10 years old. 

It is possible to take part in the workshops free of charge every Sunday at 3 p.m., after booking through the dedicated page.

Natural History Museum: a plunge into world history

A museum created inside a fondaco, the Fondaco dei Turchi, a former warehouse from the early Middle Ages, built by Giacomo Palmieri, founder of the Pesaro family. From 1621, the Serenissima gave it to Turkish merchants for use as a dwelling and goods warehouse. 

Today, this architectural marvel hosts the Natural History Museum, a museum suitable for everyone, young and old, now also interactive.

Read also: 5 museums you cannot miss in Venice

Doge’s Palace and the secrets of the Prisons

The Doge’s Palace is a fascinating place for adults and children, with all its different rooms, large windows, secret passages and the Palace of Prisons that can be reached by crossing the narrow Bridge of Sighs. Visiting it together with your children will be an unprecedented adventure that will leave the whole family with a special memory of Venice and its history.

For every child his Carnival mask, thanks to the mask workshops.

There are many workshops scattered around the city where you can create your very own Carnival mask. This is usually an activity that children enjoy very much and we can recommend several shops and mask workshops where you can have this experience. Feel free to stop for a few minutes with us at reception to ask which workshop is closest to the hotel.

A day by the sea on the Lido di Venezia

Venice is not only culture but also fun and relaxation, so why not dedicate a day to sunbathing and taking a dip in the sea? The Venice Lido is about half an hour by vaporetto from our hotel, easy to reach and with plenty to discover besides the beach. 

If we have triggered your curiosity, we invite you to read the article Things to see on the Venice Lido that we wrote

A gondola ride for the whole family

A gondola ride with the kids? Fun is guaranteed, but be careful not to lean out too far!

The gondola is a special boat, unique in its kind, and of unparalleled charm, but to fully enjoy the tour you need to make sure the children stay seated for the duration, for safety reasons. We’re sure it won’t be difficult, especially if you choose the tour of Venice’s internal canals, full of curiosities and with surprises at every turn!


Where to eat in Venice in the Cannaregio area

Dove mangiare a Venezia in zona Cannaregio

Advising about where to eat in Venice has never been an easy task, because of the great variety of restaurants and because of everyone’s different tastes. In this article, we have tried to collect 5 places (not just restaurants) where you can get an excellent meal in Venice in the Cannaregio area, a few steps from our hotel. 

Osteria Al Cicheto

Just a 6-minute walk from our hotel, in the direction of the Santa Lucia railway station, in a somewhat hidden calle named Calle della Misericordia, you will find this small bacaro where you can have both lunch and dinner. 
At the counter, there are various ‘cicchetti’ and classic fried appetisers, perfect for an aperitif accompanied by a glass of white or red wine. 
For dinner or lunch, on the other hand, you can enjoy traditional Venetian dishes. 
The advice we give you is to book at least a couple of days in advance because the restaurant has very few tables. Do not hesitate to ask us for help, we will be happy to reserve a table for you. 

Osteria Ca’ d’Oro alla Vedova

A historic restaurant a few steps from the Ca’ D’Oro palace, famous for its meatballs and meat and vegetable pies. There is no shortage here of traditional dishes such as baccalà mantecato and sarde in saor, which taste even better when served with excellent polenta. 
Shall we talk about the first courses? In addition to the pasticcio, try the ‘bigoli in salsa’, you will fall in love!

Gam Gam Kosher Restaurant

Within the Jewish Ghetto area, one of the must-sees during your trip here, there are a few restaurants where you can sample Jewish cuisine, our favourite being Gam Gam, which has been open for more than 15 years now.
Here you can sample kosher cuisine and, while sitting outside, you can enjoy the view of the Ponte delle Guglie.

Trattoria Povoledo

Another restaurant to eat at in Venice is the Trattoria Povoledo, belonging to a Venetian family that opened it in 1950. The particularity of this restaurant, apart from the traditional Venetian dishes revisited in a modern key, is the terrace on the Grand Canal, from which you can enjoy a spectacular view of the most beautiful street in the world. You will feel as if you are embraced by the lagoon.

Bar Olimpia

Just seconds away from the train station, perfect for a quick but gourmet snack or lunch as soon as you arrive in Venice or just before you leave for home, is Bar Olimpia. This bar has been open since 1936 and has recently been completely renovated, especially in the kitchen, with a series of gourmet sandwiches on its menu that are all worth trying.

These are some of the places to eat in Venice that we recommend you try, but if you are looking for something special, even outside the Cannaregio area, ask us for advice at reception: we will be happy to help you find the perfect restaurant for your evening!



The Goldoni Theatre: history and curiosities

Goldoni Theatre: history and trivia

Although smaller and less famous than the Teatro la Fenice, the Teatro Goldoni in Venice has its history that we want to tell you about. First of all, few people know that this theatre, a few steps from San Marco, is the fourth oldest in the city, after Teatro Michiel, Teatro Tron and the Teatro di San Moisè. 

Originally, the theatre was named after the family that built it in 1622, the Vendramin family, was enrolled in the Venetian patriciate since 1381, hence a family with certain importance and reputation in the city. 

But when did the theatre take the name Teatro Goldoni? Let us take a step back in time.

History of the Goldoni Theatre

For the first thirty years, the theatre only hosted comedies, but after the fire of 1653 and its subsequent rebuilding, things changed and the new owners (Andrea and Zanetta Vendramin) delegated its management to third parties, with the agreement that they would be paid an annual income of 1000 ducats. 

The theatre was beginning to be very successful, to the detriment of the other city theatres owned by a rival family: the Grimani. With a less than legal stratagem, the Grimani family removed the impresario Gaspare Torelli from Venice and the management of the Goldoni Theatre, obtaining it as a subcontractor. The Grimani family did not get away with this discourtesy and in 1689 the Vendramin family resumed running their theatre.

Carlo Goldoni made his first appearance here in 1734, but it was not until 1753 that the Vendramin managed to wrest it away from the Grimani and the San Samuele Theatre with a very advantageous contract, which allowed the playwright to produce his most famous and revolutionary works, such as Baruffe Chiozzotte and Sior Todaro Brontolon

Goldoni then left for Paris, the theatre was renovated again and reopened in 1776, but due to the fall of the Serenissima in 1797 and the Vendramin family’s economic crisis, the theatre did not shine as brightly as in previous years. The theatre was closed in 1807, due to a directive of the Ministry of the Interior, which reduced theatres in proportion to population density.

The revival of the Goldoni Theatre 

In 1817 the theatre reopened, after a series of structural interventions, and when the Teatro La Fenice was destroyed by a powerful fire in 1836, the performances scheduled for Carnival were moved to the Teatro Goldoni, which in the meantime had taken the name Teatro Apollo. 

The theatre would carry this name until 1875 when actor Angelo Moro and owner Regina de Marchi (wife of the late Domenica Vendramin) decided to rename it Teatro Goldoni, in honour of the Venetian playwright. 

It was no coincidence that the name change took place on the evening of 26 February 1875, the day after Carlo Goldoni’s birth (the date of the ceremony was moved up a day due to an unexpected snowfall).

Curiosities about the Goldoni Theatre

We would like to conclude this article about the history of the Goldoni Theatre with a peculiar detail: this theatre was the first in Italy to have gas lighting and complete illumination of the auditorium. This great innovation happened in 1844, thanks to Regina De Marchi, who did everything she could to make her late husband’s wish come true.



What to see in Venice for free

Goldoni Theatre: history and trivia

Although Venice is known to be one of the most expensive cities in the world, there are things you can see and visit for free. In this article, you will discover the most interesting ones and not be missed!

The Jewish Ghetto

The area of the Jewish Ghetto, one of the oldest in Europe, a few steps from our hotel, can be visited completely free of charge, discovering curious corners such as the Banco Rosso, in Campo del Gheto Novo. 

This is what remains of one of the three pawnshops that existed here; its name comes from the colour of the receipts that were issued. 

Visits to the synagogues and the Jewish Museum are for a fee. 

Acqua Alta Bookshop

This bookshop is something truly ‘Instagrammable’, filled to the brim with books of all kinds on shelves, boats, tubs and even a gondola!

At the back, a small courtyard houses a staircase made of books, giving access to the view of the canal behind. 

If you’re looking for a book, any book, ask the owner, he knows the location of each one, even if on the surface it looks like there is no real order. 

Ah, don’t forget to greet the cat-keeper as soon as you cross the threshold!

Basilica of the Madonna della Salute

Among the things to see in Venice for free is one of the city’s most famous and important churches: the Basilica della Madonna della Salute, built by the Serenissima to thank the Virgin Mary for having eradicated the plague epidemic that was killing the city between 1630 and 1631. 

Inside, stop to observe the beauty of the main altar, with an effigy of the black Byzantine Madonna in the center, surrounded by three statues: the Virgin Mary, the Plague and Venice.

Read also: What not to miss in Venice

St Mark’s Basilica

St Mark’s Basilica is also among the things that can be visited in Venice free of charge, although we always suggest discovering it with a guide, given the many Byzantine mosaics inside and the many stories it tells. 

Fondaco dei Tedeschi viewing terrace

Since the Fondaco dei Tedeschi has been restored to its original splendour, housing a luxury shopping center with no less than 65 different shops inside, the panoramic terrace on the top floor has also been made accessible free of charge. 

The view from here is spectacular: a breathtaking 360° panorama over the roofs of Venice and the Grand Canal. 

To go up, simply book your visit on the Fondaco dei Tedeschi website… and don’t forget to take a selfie!



Venice Lido what to see in 1 day

Cosa vedere al Lido di Venezia

Although best known for being home to the annual Venice International Film Festival, Lido di Venezia is much more than that – it’s a little treasure trove of unexpected wonders. 

If you are planning to come to Venice in summer or spring, including the Lido of Venice among the things to see could be an opportunity to spend a day at the beach: a perfect way to regain strength after a couple of days spent walking around the city and discovering its museums, don’t you agree?

Let’s see what to see on the Lido of Venice in 1 day.

The Murazzi

Walking along the beach, between Ca’ Bianca and the Alberoni area, you will notice that an imposing dam has been built, conceived by the Venetians back in the 1700s to defend the banks from the erosion of the lagoon waters. They are a historical construction that used to be made of stones and wooden piles, but as you can well imagine, it had a very short life and so it was replaced by this wall of large boulders.

Granviale Santa Maria Elisabetta

The main street of Lido, is the one that leads from the vaporetto landing stage to the beaches. It is a relaxing walk, to be enjoyed at leisure, perhaps eating good ice cream or taking the opportunity to do a bit of shopping. Once on the beach, you can continue your walk with your feet in the sand: a panacea for your health!

Cycling from Lido to Pellestrina

One of the things to do on Venice Lido is to take a bike tour to Pellestrina island, located nearby the Lido, where you can enjoy more tranquility. 

Our suggestion is to visit the entire island by bike, taking advantage of the cycle path to reach the various points of interest in Lido and then spend a few hours on the beach nearby Pellestrina to rest your legs at the end of the tour. 

The tour is feasible for everyone, as it is all flat and you can stop at any time along the way.


Malamocco is the oldest part of the city, the place where the government of the Serenissima once had its seat and later moved to San Marco. Strolling here will be like going back in time, to an almost forgotten Venice for which you will always feel a little nostalgic.

Church of San Nicolò

This church is not very well known, but it is very important for Venetians: still today the mass following the Sposalizio del Mare is celebrated here, a ceremony that takes place on the day of the Festa della Sensa (in May) and that remembers the eternal pact between Venice and its waters, just like in the past. 

Inside the church are also the relics of St Nicholas of Bari.

Jewish Cemetery

Few people know that Lido di Venezia is home to one of the oldest Jewish cemeteries in Europe, which is well worth a visit, of course, always with full respect for the Jewish community and the people who rest here.



Places in Venice you must see

Places in Venice you must see

Choosing what to see in Venice is perhaps one of the most difficult things to do, due to the nature of this incredible city built on water. Its uniqueness, its history and its culture make every palace, every church and every calle something unique, but we are going to advise you on what you must see in Venice to make better use of your time in this wonderful, timeless city. 

Many things are very close to our hotel and you can reach them comfortably by walking. You will soon realise that walking in Venice is one of the best ways to see and get to know the city, thus discovering unexpected places!

St Mark’s Square and St Mark’s Basilica

Absolutely the most famous square in the world, a treasure trove of wonders that leave everyone speechless, not for nothing it was called “the most beautiful ballroom in Europe”. 

Not everyone knows that St. Mark’s Square is the only square in Venice, while all the other “little squares” around the city are called “campi” and do you know why? Because once upon a time these squares were not paved, but served as vegetable gardens or meadows for grazing animals, or, especially those next to churches, were used as “holy fields”, or cemeteries. 

St Mark’s Basilica proudly overlooks the square in all its majesty. A place to get lost while admiring the incredible golden mosaics on the ceiling. 

The square is also overlooked by St Mark’s Campanile, called by the Venetians “El paron de casa”, and the Correr Museum, one of the most important and representative museums in the city. 

Doge’s Palace

Together with the Rialto Bridge and St Mark’s Campanile, the Doge’s Palace is perhaps one of the most iconic symbols of Venice. The palace was the seat of the Doge and the state magistrates, it was the place from which justice was administered, and not only that!

A palace to be discovered and where you can get lost among the many rooms (some of them secret) and prisons, which you will reach by crossing the famous Bridge of Sighs, from whose small windows you can see St Mark’s Basin and the picturesque Island of San Giorgio

Rialto Bridge and the Market

One of the must-seen in Venice is definitely the Rialto Bridge and its famous Market. The Rialto Bridge is the first bridge to be built across the Grand Canal and was once made of wood until it collapsed under the weight of the crowds that had gathered to watch the Marquis of Ferrara’s wedding procession in 1444. 

Jewish Ghetto

If you are staying in Venice for at least two days, we recommend a visit to the ancient Jewish Ghetto, just a few steps from our hotel. An evocative and still little-visited place, where you can immerse yourself in the Jewish culture and discover the relationship with the people of the Serenissima and taste their most typical dishes. 

Burano, Murano and Torcello

A tour of the three most famous islands of Venice is a must: Burano, Murano and Torcello. This tour would be especially recommended if you planned to stay at least 3 days in Venice, as it is a full-day experience. You will have the opportunity to see how the world-famous Murano glass and the handcrafted merletti of Burano  are maiden using an anicient technique. You culd also sit on Attila’s throne on the island of Torcello. 

Walk to the Zattere

To end your day(s) if you want to enjoy an unforgettable sunset, this is where you need to come!

The Zattere Fondamenta is one of the strategic points where you can admire the colours of the sky reflected on the waters of the Giudecca Canal, and see the city from a different perspective. 

If you are planning a weekend in Venice, do not hesitate to contact us for more pieces of advice!



5 Museums in Venice to put on your list

10 Venice Museums to put on your list

Venice is a city of museums – there’s something for every taste, from those dedicated to contemporary art to those that tell the story of the life of the Serenissima at the height of its splendour. And then there are the art galleries, the museum of perfumes, and every museum in Venice is housed in a wonderful palace, which alone is worth the price of the ticket. 

Having said that, since the number of museums in the city is high, here is a selection of the ones we consider “unmissable”, no matter if you come to Venice for only 2 days or more!

Correr Museum

The Correr Museum is one of the city’s most representative museums, its entrance overlooking St Mark’s Square. Room after room, this museum tells and presents the history, culture and art of Venice. 
On the first floor, among the things to see, there is the Napoleonic Wing, wanted by Napoleon, where you can admire a large and majestic ballroom, with decorations typical of the Empire style. 
Also on the first floor is Sissi’s flat, which dates back to the Habsburg years. Empress Sissi lived here for a few months, the first time between 1856-and 57 and the second time between 1861*1862.
On the second floor are some 140 paintings from the collection of Teodoro Correr, from whom the museum takes its name. 

Ca’ Rezzonico

One of the most famous museums in Venice, dedicated to the 18th century period of the Republic. An incredible place to immerse yourself in the life of the nobles of the time, discovering their furnishings and habits. Inside is a ballroom that occupies two floors in height.

Doge’s Palace

The Doge’s house, the place where the Serenissima administered justice, is the building that most represents the power of Venice. The Doge’s Palace is not only a museum to see, but one of the symbols of the city.
Inside you can visit the Doge’s flats, the hall of the Maggior Consiglio, where all the Venetian nobles met when important decisions had to be made. Foreign guests were also welcomed here, and it is no coincidence that the walls are decorated with paintings of battles and victories. 
This room also houses Tintoretto’s famous 84-metre-long painting, Paradise, which replaced Guariento’s painting after the fire of 1577. 
You can also admire the Armoury area, the loggias, the courtyard and even some secret areas of the palace if you choose to follow the Secret Itineraries route. 

Accademia Galleries

Famous all over the world, the Accademia Galleries are located in front of the Accademia Bridge, a strategic point to enjoy the colors of the sunset over Venice and a breathtaking view of the Basilica della Madonna della Salute
Inside you will find a collection of paintings typical of Venetian and Veneto art, mainly related to the period between the 14th and 18th centuries. 

Peggy Guggenheim Collection

The Peggy Guggenheim Collection is the last museum in Venice not to be missed, not only because of the incredible works of art inside, selected by Peggy Guggenheim herself but also because of the palace itself, which is very different from all other noble palaces overlooking the Grand Canal. 
Legend has it that the palace was never finished because of a dispute between families, but that’s a story for a future article!

